Hey, I’m Christina Ward from Ward Cattle Company and creator of Stock Show Stories.

Can I tell you a little bit about Stock Show Stories? I created this blog as a resource for all stock show families, to serve as a reminder to those of us who have been there, and an educational tool for new families.
Frank and I started this journey while on the same livestock judging team. Since then, we’ve built a program of cattle that compete at the highest levels.
But if you know us very well, you know we don’t do “good enough.”
We all strive to be better every day. My favorite quote is “Work to make your best better.”
For 25 years, we’ve raised and sold cattle to compete at all levels and taught young showmen to reach their versions of success.
Our version of success is going in the pasture and looking at calves with the potential to hang banners, to watch the pride a young person has when he steps back to look at an awesome leg he just fit or to see the elation on showman’s face when he or she gets the slap or handshake.
We love to teach what we’ve learned because we had so many influential people in our own lives.
Oh, we’ve messed up…a lot! We’ve done just about every dumb thing you can do, but that’s okay. We’ve learned along the way. Oh, and we’ll continue to make mistakes.
I love the quote but don’t know who said it, “If you’re not winning, you’re learning.”
We hope you can avoid many of the blunders we have learned from along the way by reading the stories on this blog.
It will be educational and sometimes funny…we hope you enjoy it! Thanks for learning about Stock Show Stories…I hope you enjoy consuming the info as much as I enjoy putting it out there.
Show Smart
We created more for you. A comprehensive video series to teach the techniques we use daily.
If you like Stock Show Stories, you’ll love Show Smart! A full year of access to our in-depth, fast-paced, professional training videos. Selection, showmanship, daily care, feeding, clipping, fitting, and more! We built a cutting-edge program to teach you or your kids how the techniques we use every single day.
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