Showing / Stock Show

Show Cancelled? Technology Can Save Kids’ Investments.

Online livestock sales, virtual stock shows

Technology Can Save Kids’ Investments

By now most people fall somewhere between, “I may take this whole Corona deal a little more seriously,” and full-blown panic.  Depending upon where you are in the world, all stances are valid and it’s not my position to tell you how to feel. 

The great thing about technology is that it’s allowing us to continue things like business, school and keeping up with friends. Also, technology can help save kids’ investments while respecting all of the rules of social distancing. Shows across the country are actively finding solutions. Don’t miss some of the solutions linked at the bottom of this post.

Look for the Silver Lining

If you’re a regular Stock Show Stories reader, you know that I’m a sliver-lining kind of gal and someone who has dedicated many, many hours to this community to support kids and families who show livestock.  This is not for personal gain… well, not true…yes I get a big charge out of helping those who want to succeed.

Better than that, I know I’m not alone.  


People in every community across the country right now are joining forces to help kids in ways they won’t understand or fully appreciate until they are in their 20’s.  You know what? That’s okay.

Many of those people help kids who show livestock throughout the year, every year. Yet some are normally not as involved but this year they are stepping up to ask how they can contribute. It warms my heart to see the outpouring of support in communities across the country and in my own community.

How Will You Show Up?

The way we handle ourselves in the face of adversity models for young people how they should act, think and react. So I ask you, how will you show up?  What behavior will you model for the young people who are watching you? Make no mistake…they are watching.

At a bare minimum, we owe it to the kids who have raised these animals an outlet to sell them.  Why should we stop at a bare minimum? What does that teach? “Shoot for a C in math, it’s better than the alternative?!?”

Take the Opportunity in Front of Us

We have in front of us the opportunity to teach young people not only a new skill but the way that livestock, particularly cattle, are marketed today and in the future.  In the US millions head of cattle are sold through video markets.

Show livestock account for millions of dollars generated through online selling platforms annually. We have an online female sale in the fall that allows us to reach buyers from places like Illinois and Georgia.

Why not teach kids to video the stock they’ve been working with all year and do a good job of marketing them?  Maybe {video} buyer’s letters will be the new normal, who knows? 

The Power of the Virtual World

Currently, there are multiple platforms available right now to host a virtual show and sale. I’ll bet there will be more in a month, given the demand. 

The challenges before us in helping young people to market the livestock they purchased, fed and cared for are unprecedented. As is a toilet paper and bottled water shortage when the virus we face is mostly of a respiratory nature and there’s nothing wrong with our water sources. I’m not making light of the situation, I’m simply pointing out that it’s unchartered territory all the way around. Also, we need to keep perspective, calmly think through solutions and avoid knee-jerk reactions.

Technology can save kids’ investments.

I’ve had multiple people tell me that it sets an unfair advantage to some kids.  So does a job application… when it asks for qualifications. 


I submit to you that a kid who spends all of his free time gaming and filming Tiktok videos probably has an advantage over the kid who spends all of her time in the barn.  That kid should use that advanced technical skill. The gal who’s been in the barn working leg hair had better up her video skills. It can be FUN for them if we as adults will just allow it!

Anyone who does not acknowledge that video is increasingly the preferred way to consume information isn’t paying attention.

At most, I’ll get 10,000 people to this website in a month to read blog posts…ever.  My video posts have gotten up to 27,000 views and the info in the blogs is better.  People consume video. Don’t tell me that you need a skilled videographer because my dad shot the video that has had the most views. He’s not known for his video skills, but I asked for his help and he did it.

A New Resource

Audrey Christensen, a professional livestock photographer and videographer, has already written a guest post for Stock Show Stories about tips for getting great livestock pictures. Click here to read it. We are now collaborating to create a SHORT video to teach kids the basics to create a video for a virtual show. It is my commitment to my own community and my stock show community across the nation that we will have that as a resource.  You can find her at Aush Rae on Instagram or click here.

There may already be videos out there for this. Super! Look at them as well. I’m not even committing to you that the footage will be great, but it will be real. Right now, we all need a big dose of what the new reality and the new normal can be…at least for the time being.

Please do not misunderstand me here.  I am in NO WAY advocating virtual shows in lieu of actual shows in the future.  There is a multitude of reasons that’s not the better option under normal circumstances. Yes, I know that livestock do not always look the same in a video as in real life. I’m advocating that this year we make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear…when facing closed fairs and shows.

We Have Options

Thanks to technology, a community that supports raising and showing livestock has many options available to us. Technology can save kids’ investments.

Reach out to the leaders in your community and show support for positive solutions that may be in place. If solutions have not yet bet established, show support for exploring options. There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for the current crisis to divide communities. Distance? Yes. Division? No! Come together while staying apart. We are intelligent human beings and we can be resourceful.

I refuse to be part of the community that washed their hands of the kids they’ve committed to helping.  We don’t need to teach these kids to wait around for hand-outs or just give up. They need to learn to network and master new skills. People say that showing isn’t real life. However, I say that this is as real as it gets. Life lessons. Get after it when things get tough. Find solutions.

I choose to be part of the community that teaches kids new skills in the face of a pandemic.  I’ll choose the community that models perseverance and coming together for the greater good. I want to be part of a  community that is scrappy. One that says, “there are ways around the current challenges if you’re willing to dig deep and find your grit.”

Want to educate yourself about the platforms already available to communities? I’m sure I’ll miss some. Please tag anyone I missed with my apologies. Please note, I’m not endorsing any one platform, I’m simply creating a jumping-off point for your research. Listed in alphabetical order:

Cattle In Motion

EZ 2 Bid Online Sales – Jake Parnell

SC Online

Virtual Stock Show

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