
Small Minded Thinking

Is small-minded thinking holding you or your community back? 

In Stock Show Stories, I often say things like, “we’ve all been there,” but in this instance, I don’t think that’s the case.  Rather, some of us have been there, some are still there, and some…well they never went there at all!

I’ll Keep My Small Town

So, where is there?  It’s a place that comes from a mindset of scarcity, fear, and negativity.  Sometimes it’s referred to as small-minded, or small-town thinking. In truth though, small-town thinking can be awesome when it’s positive.  Like the small town that rallies behind the star basketball player or the small town that stands up to support a family in need. That being the case, let me keep my small-town thinking.  The problem only arises when that small-town thinking becomes small-minded and fearful not only of competition but of the perception that someone may have an unfair advantage.

Can I dispell that notion right now?  Someone always has an advantage.  You know this already…someone will always be smarter, wealthier, prettier, more fit, more agile, funnier…you get the point.  Is that an unfair advantage? I’d argue it’s simply the gift that they have in this world and we all have gifts.

Push Button Horse

When I was much younger, I showed horses in Western Pleasure and trail, etc.  Mostly, I showed at the playdays and 4-H events because that was what my family could afford and I had a decent amount of success at that level.  All of the kids showed pretty average horses that were mostly on the same level and we all had fun. Then, a girl from the Bay Area moved into our small community with an incredible horse.  Her father was in the diamond business and she and her horse were head and shoulders above everyone else.

One thing that sticks with me to this day is the coppery colored sheen that horse had in the sun.  He was like a polished sportscar gleaming with every move he made. I always wondered how she made him look like that.  In retrospect, I know it was a ton of work on someone’s part. Since I don’t know that it was anyone but the exhibitor, I’m going to credit her with the elbow-grease.

I can’t tell you how much I wish I could tell you now that I went up to her and asked her about her horse, her riding, how she made him look like that and all of the other things I’d have loved to emulate about her and her horse.  

Unfortunately, that’s not how that story went.  I heard words like “push-button horse” and “if I had her money, I could win too.”   Pretty soon, I adopted these phrases myself. After all, at 9 years old, I really didn’t know better and it certainly made me feel better about the fact that there was no possible way I was going to get around her and her horse.

Small. Minded.Thinking

I’m well aware this is not a horse blog, so I’ll hurry up and draw to the point.  It seems all across this country, I hear of people always trying to “level the playing field”… “make it fair for everyone” and other such sayings.  Why?  

Maybe a family moved into a community and required everyone to step up their game.  Maybe a family who has always been in a community has a child who decided that showing livestock is the sport he or she wants to pursue and that family takes it up a notch.  It disrupts the status quo and people react in typically in one of two ways. They elevate to the level of competition or they complain and talk about invoking rules to “level the playing field.”  

Those things all equate to playing small. They insinuate that rather than elevating the entire group to a higher quality or standard that we should hold the superstars back.  I don’t understand that way of thinking. Who really gains or benefits? The kids? The community? I’m not sure how anyone could possibly gain from that.


I’m not going to sit here and say that politics do not happen to a certain extent…at all levels of showing livestock.  Nor would I argue that it never happens with an umpire or ref. But, if politics were to come into play as often as they get called out, this deal may as well be Washington DC.  

It is possible that the judge just didn’t like our calf.  It’s possible the judge preferred another lamb, and it’s certainly possible that a judge doesn’t like the showmanship style of your kid.  That’s not politics, that’s preference and there is a dramatic difference. We don’t have to love it, you don’t even have to change the kind of stock you like or the showmanship style you prefer.  However, let’s not call politics by default.


If someone happens to know a judge or even who the judge is, people will start to talk negatively.  It’s a weird phenomenon and it’s really socially awkward. Two people will know each other but pretend as if they don’t so that others do not criticize. 

Not only is it odd, but it calls into question the integrity of the guy or gal judging. Rather than trying to find a judge that doesn’t know anyone, hire a judge whose character and integrity are strong.  

The thing about small-minded thinking

What I’ve noticed about small-minded thinking is that it can hurt everyone.  Mostly, though, it hurts the person who maintains that mindset and the young people around him or her.  It is perpetuated throughout communities and creates unnecessary friction and pain.

It’s just easier, right?

Oh sure, it is much easier to sit back and criticize.  “If I had her extra time, I could spend it in the gym and look like too.”  “If I had his family backing, I could buy a ranch too.” “If my parents raised cattle, I could win too.”  Could we? Maybe. 

What is most important is what we do with the hand with which we are dealt.  If I could talk to the 9-year-old me, I’d tell her to go talk to Jennifer and ask her how she gets Vandy that shiny.  I’d encourage her to ask about some of the tips her trainer gave her to be so good at equitation.  

We all have advantages in this world…figure out what yours is and do something great with it.

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Want more on Positive Mindset? Check out “You’ve Got This” and “Keep Your Head Up”

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