Ag Teachers
Much like the old song “Country when Country Wasn’t Cool,” great Ag teachers are the original Influencers long before that was even a thing! We’ve all stood ringside and listened to the judge say to “thank your parents, teachers, and leaders who got you there.” It’s become a little overused, but not because it isn’t right. It is used often. Today I hope to show you why you may want to reach out to your ag teacher, even if it’s been a while.
Maybe it’s the countless hours spent coaching competitive teams or taking students to find their livestock for the fair. However, few individuals impact students like an ag teacher, particularly at the most vulnerable point in their lives. It doesn’t take much to swing a teenager in one direction or another, and ag teachers so often turn them in a positive direction.
If you are over 18 years old, think of the leader, ag teacher, or influencer in your life that was there for you at a pivotal moment. My ag teacher supported me in my dreams, even if they didn’t line up with his skill set…like showing cattle. Keep reading to the end of the article for your take-a-way, because that man’s advice will help you in your life as well.
State Convention
As a high school freshman, I sat in a dark auditorium at the State FFA conference with hundreds of students. The stage was bright, and the state officers were giving speeches. Throughout the week, we heard keynotes from national officers, and I was enraptured. These were like mythical creatures to me! I’d never seen anyone with the ability to speak like them. Particularly people my age! Toward the end of the conference, I leaned over to my ag teacher, Mr. Wallstrum (Wally), and told him that I planned to run for state office.

Now, he could have said something like, “Well, that’s going to be a tough road, it’s hard, or you’re going to have to work to get there.” All of which was true, but at that moment, when I was all starry-eyed, he told me,
“You can do it.”
Over the next several years, we set out to do everything you should do to set yourself up to be eligible and qualified to run for state office—competitions, national delegate, regional officer, state and national conventions every year. I loved every minute of it, and he was always right there to support me without being overbearing or intimidating.
Clenching Your Toes
Finally, the day came for us to make the trek to beautiful Fresno, CA. If you’ve been to both San Luis Obispo and Fresno, you’ll appreciate that the town by the ocean was far preferable. At any rate, we started the slating process. The slate is where you go through several days of interviews, and they “slate” only 12 students to run for office out of over 30 who applied at the time.
One evening during the process, I was stressing over something and went to ask Wally a question. We were all staying at a Holiday Inn. I knocked on his door in a typical impatient teenager fashion. When he opened the door, I launched into my question. He always had a kind of crooked grin while chewing on his mustache when I was talking, and for some reason, he found it amusing. Looking back, he did that all of the time!!!! Now, I’m sure he was chuckling to himself at my drama, but he was kind enough not to laugh outright.
He very calmly looked down at me (he’s a very tall man) and asked, “Are you clenching your toes?”
My teenage brain wasn’t computing. We are talking about the following stages in the process. I have serious questions here…but you are asking about my feet?!?
He repeated, “Are you clenching your toes?” If I know me, this was met with an eye roll as I considered. It’s a bad habit I have. If we’re completely honest, I pretty much wear my feelings/thoughts on my sleeve. He patiently waited for my answer.
You see, a good ag teacher has this crazy patient superpower that gives them the ability to wait out the craziness that is the teenage brain. The reality is that they have many superpowers.
So, he waited…
I was clenching my toes!
Wally said, “If you unclench your toes, your whole body will relax.”
“Relax your toes.”
Rod Wallstrum
So, I went through the process of unclenching my toes.
At this moment, I challenge you to consciously relax your toes. It is quite difficult to keep your toes relaxed while maintaining tension in the rest of your body. In fact, I’d argue that it’s like getting an F in a class, you have to make a conscious decision to do so.
To this day, if I have an important meeting, a big presentation, or am going to show my horse, I always tell myself to relax my toes.
Recently, I was working with a group of friends on a project. It is a big undertaking, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it, but we aren’t ready for that yet. However, early in the day, I told them this story of Wally and relaxed my toes. Later that evening, as we were still working at 1 AM, and we were all feeling a little tired and stressed, one friend said:
Okay, relax your toes.
So the next time you have something come up that is important, and you start to feel tense, take Wally’s advice and relax your toes. Let’s celebrate the ag teacher…the OG influencer! Have a story about your ag teacher who influenced your life? Comment below!
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