Free show cattle tips and tools we wish we’d had when we started…
If you’d like more in-depth information, check out our tutorial video program,

Don’t forget the necessary stuff!!!
Packing List
Sometimes when packing for a show, it feels like you take your whole barn and try to fit it in your trailer. Without a packing list, you may pack stuff you don’t need and forget things you need. Use our packing list to keep you on track. Print it out, laminate it and use it over and over with a dry erase marker. Download your list!

Have you ever stood ringside and wondered what the judge was talking about? Our free tool will guide you through so many things you need to know when showing cattle including understanding things like “class breaks”, “divisions” and so many other things that will help you when you head to a show! Grab your copy!
Show Smart
If you like Stock Show Stories, you’ll love Show Smart! A full year of access to our in-depth, fast-paced, professional training videos. Selection, showmanship, daily care, feeding, clipping, fitting, and more! We built a cutting-edge program to teach you or your kids how the techniques we use every single day.
Check out our other tips like Halter Breaking and Show Ring Etiquette.