Watering Show Cattle
Every time I walk by a big tub full of water in the barn at a county fair I cringe. Hang on, if you do this, don’t be offended.
Here’s the thing… I wouldn’t stand up from a dinner table, walk to the other end, pick up someone’s water glass and take a swig. That would be gross. So why do we think it’s a good plan to lead our cattle to a big tub in a feed alley and let them drink after all of the other cattle on that side of the barn?
From a herd health standpoint, it’s not a good idea to let cattle drink after each other if not truly necessary. If they are at home or in a feedlot situation, obviously they will drink with their pen-mates. Shows are already like taking cattle to kindergarten, just mixing up everyone’s germs. With any airborne germs they are exposed to, we don’t need to further expose them to pathogens from other cattle in the water.
You might say, “Well this is a terminal show and this is a steer, so it really doesn’t matter.” To a certain extent, I may agree with you on that point. Except, what if you have a heifer and a steer at the fair and water both of them from the tub? Then you take her home and expose everyone there to every germ that was floating around that water tub. Consider also that it may change the way the water tastes or smells and the calf may be less likely to drink. So, the way you are watering show cattle is more important than you may think.
Get them to Drink at a Show
We want to give them every chance to fill up on water at a show. It is important to keep cattle hydrated on the road. They stay healthier, feel better and quite honestly look better. When cattle dehydrate at a show, they lose their fullness in appearance and as their muscles dehydrate, they lose muscle shape.
So the next time you pack for the show, plan on bringing water buckets for watering show cattle. Much like you’d like your own water glass at the table, your calf would likely prefer fresh water as well. Remember, the way you are watering cattle at a show is just as important as the way you feed them.